My trip to País Vasco is one that I've been looking forward to since last October, when I first met a native Basque and began to learn just how special their little corner of the world is. We have trips planned to Bilbao, San Sebastian, and his coastal fishing village. I am ready to be blown away by all that País Vasco has to offer, as well as load up on pintxos and kalimotxo. ( Which will be a welcome break from the Andalucían tapas and tinto.)
Then on Wednesday we say goodbye to northern Spain, and I say helloooooooooooooo to Northern Ireland! I recently learned that I have distant relatives living in Northern Ireland. They are very distant, our common ancestor is something like 7 generations back, but hey. I'm not one to discriminate :)
This will be my first solo-travel experience. I'm nervous. When I studied abroad in Granada, my spacyness and general lack of self-awareness earned me the nickname Space Cadet. While I can be awesome at planning trips and making sure the itinerary lines up, the actual going and doing it part can be my downfall. Let's all cross our fingers that I make it back to Spain in one piece, and without losing too much money or personal belongings.
Lekeitio, Basque Country [Source]
Northern Irish Coast [Source]
I'll be back in early May with my own pictures to post, stay tuned!
Woohoo, grand voyage! (I think you will find that traveling on your own will sharpen your attention and you'll do better than you think. Tip: don't skimp on quality food or water, and *lose the wheat and sugar*! This is your gene pool speaking... :-) xo