I love my students! They are fantastic. And I'm getting very attached to them and cannot imagine how difficult it is going to be when I leave in May. (Idontwannathinkaboutit.)
Today we (me, Eli, 4 teachers, and 50 bilingual students + 50 monolingual students between the ages of 11 and 13) climbed onboard 2 coach buses and drove an hour and a half out to the middle of nowhere. (Cue chaos.) We ended up, literally in the middle of nowhere, at El Museo de Miel, the Honey Museum.
Here's a summary of the day, in pictures.
We waited outside the school for an hour, because apparently there had been some confusion over who our bus drivers were going to be. Leaving an hour late meant that we got back an hour late, aka an hour after school had ended. Oops. |
More waiting. Gonzalo, the math teacher, showed up. Immediately shouts of "Gonzalo! Guapo! Gonzaaaaaaaalo está aquí!" filled the air. All the girls are in love with him. And all the boys want to be him. |
The patio of the museum. All of us 'teachers' got coffee and toast and time to relax while the students sat through presentations about honey. I had thought we would be serious chaperones, but we were pretty much given the day to enjoy how we wanted! So I took lots of pretty pictures. |
See? Pretty picture. |
Dressing up to go check out where the bees lived! Us teachers wore these too, and we got the chance to go up right by the bee hives and hold one of the slates filled with honey. (There's a picture but it's on a kid's camera from class. No idea how if I'll ever actually get to see it.) It was terrifying!! I hate bees! |
Making candles! How's it taste, Álvaro? |
More students from the school, from Eli's class though, not mine. |
Working hard to make some festive christmas candles! |
My creation. |
My school :) |
Peacock! Or, as their called in Spanish, a Royal Turkey! |
And here's a funny story to end this post. Here's the background info you need to know: We were at the museum for about 3 hours, watching presentations and seeing how honey is made. The presentations were in English for the bilingual group, which basically meant they understood absolutely nothing. They're only the 1st and 2nd year kids, and so while they're English is actually really good, it is no where near good enough to listen to presentations about bees and honey for 3 hours and understand much.
But that is still no excuse for this kid. He's one of my favorite 2nd year students, his English is pretty atrocious but he tries hard and is really funny. I was talking with him while we were waiting for the bus and I said that I bought a lot of honey. He thought for a second and then said "...what is
honey again?"
And I replied, "
perdona, pero cómo es posible que hemos estado en el Museo de Miel todo el día y todavía no sabes que HONEY ES MIEL???"
I wasn't mad, just so shocked that I went off on a little rant in Spanish. (Hold on, how is it possible that we've been at the Honey Museum all day and you still don't know that
miel is the word for
His excuse was something to the effect that he has a bad memory. Nope, sorry, no excuses!!
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